What To Do When You Have No Time To Work Out

It's no secret that staying physically active has many benefits. Most people want to work out, but many feel they just don't have the time. There is often some truth to this sentiment. Life is busy, and it can be complicated to schedule all of the things you need or want to do. However, there are many solutions that can help if you feel you have no time to work out, and it starts with understanding and optimizing your mindset.

Time vs Energy

We all have the same number of hours in a week, and while various obligations and desires inevitably take up this time, the truth is that energy often plays a much larger role in many scheduling decisions.

For an example of how this plays out, many people spend a significant amount of time each week scrolling on social media but simultaneously will claim they don't have time to work out. People in this situation aren't necessarily lying. They really do perceive a lack of time. However, a lack of energy more accurately explains why it's often easier to scroll mindlessly than it is to work out for the same amount of time.

Each activity you do in a day either takes your energy or replenishes it. Most tasks you view as obligations take your energy, and some take more than others. If your schedule is packed with energy-consuming activities with no opportunities to refill your cup, it isn't going to matter how much time you have to work out - you simply won't have the motivation.

Of course, time isn't completely irrelevant. There are some hours of the day or week when you truly can't work out, such as times you're required to be at your job or when you have other appointments. Fitting physical fitness into your schedule requires an awareness of these practical concerns as well as a commitment to improving your mindset around time and energy.

Practical Strategies For Finding The Time & Energy For Exercise

Now that you understand how both time and energy influence your ability to work out, how can you actually fit exercise into your busy schedule?

Here are some practical tips:

1. Replenish Your Energy

A great first step to making time for fitness is finding activities that help you replenish your energy. This doesn't need to be exercise-related at all. Examples could include meditation, journaling, listening to music, reading, or anything else that helps you refill your cup. Although this may not seem related to finding time to work out, you'll likely find that once you commit to replenishing your energy, you have more energy to spend improving your fitness.

2. Plan Around Your Available Time

Write out your schedule and see where you have time available, and find workouts that fit within these blocks of time. You may be surprised by what you can fit in with a bit of flexibility.

3. Work With A Personal Trainer

Many people have the misconception that you need to commit a lot of time to work with a personal trainer, but actually, a trainer can help you work with the time you have. By combining fitness training and personal coaching, you can also tackle your mindset at the same time. This makes it easier to boost your energy, make a plan to improve your health, and stick to it long-term.


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